Thursday, March 26, 2009

Johannes Mehserle

Well, this cop is officially on my shit list. More so than all of the other cops who get on my shit list just for volunteering.

I've done a bit of reading around, seeing what people are saying about the events in the train station on New Years day. It looks like there is quite a bit of disagreement over what this guy should be held accountable for. Not whether or not he shot this thug. Clearly he shot the guy, there are two different videos surfaced which both show very clearly what happened. The THREE cops held him down and one of them shot him.

Ok, so to be fair you have to ask why. Sure, let's ask why: Were the cops being attacked? Was someone else being attacked and the cops acted on their behalf? Was there some clear threat of the victim committing murder if they did not shoot him?

No. There is very clear footage that none of these situations were the case. The guy was clearly down on the ground with these three gunmen holding him down. He was no threat to anyone, and was murdered in cold blood.

There is the discussion about what the scumbag can be legal held accountable for. The idea of "intent". Did he mean to shoot him? Did he intend to pull his tazer but accidentally pulled a firearm... pointed it at his back... and then pull the trigger... all the while thinking it was a tazer which looks nothing, feels nothing, and functions nothing like a handgun? One gentleman said that we needed to sit back and let the justice system handle it. That taking to the streets was the wrong thing to do.


But I'll bet you the person that said that has never been held down on the ground by a group of wild west gunmen (cops) because they didn't like the way he looked, or didn't like his attitude. I'll bet you the person that says that doesn't live in fear of cops because of his ethnicity, economic class, or zip code. That person is probably a really good boy who never stands up for himself against the godlike authority of a cop. He is probably a "yes sir" "no sir" type of citizen. He is probably the guy who thinks that a cop can do no wrong, because they're every day heroes just trying to do their job. I'll give you a news flash and I'll say it loud so the cheap seats can hear...cops are not drafted! They volunteer. They are given combat training. They are given an arsenal. They drive around in suped up hot rods. They can say and do whatever they want. They have an ARMY of other gunmen like themselves that will come to their aid and support them NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

Poor fucking babies.

Poor little every day heroes.

It's a job, which they are trained for, paid for, and volunteered for. They get no sympathy from me. You don't want to be a cop? Good for you cupcake, don't be a fucking cop. You don't want to take responsibility for your actions? Too bad fuckwit, you are paid, trained, and charged with a task involving the safety and welfare of others. You didn't mean to pull your gun and shoot an unarmed civilian, laying face down, in the back? Too fucking bad, boy.

Why all of this sympathy for this poor little cop? He wanted to be the big man, carry a gun, talk in cop lingo, and look like the man. Well, Merry Christmas you piece of shit. Now you're a murdering scumbag, as is your nature.

Tree hugging pussies. "Aw the poor cop, he must be having such a hard time because of these events". They aren't events! It was an execution!! Poor fucking baby. It must be so hard dealing with the repercussions of the cold blooded murder of one of the people you are paid, trained, and volunteered to protect!!!

Cry me a river, bitch. Fuck you and anyone that would protect you. Fuck you and anyone that feels sorry for you. Fuck you and everyone else in a cop uniform. I hope you get your head chopped off and tossed into a ditch; a proper burial.

Pay your dues mother fucker.

As to the riots:

You guys really piss me off. You take what should have been a riot against the police and you turn it into looting? Seriously? Way to totally negate any social significance you could have gained.

The organizers apparently intended to have a peaceful protest. Which is cool. I have no problem with peaceful protest, it's good stuff. However, there is also a need for violent protest. I just don't get the connection between violently protesting against authority and smashing the windows of your local shops.

Did I miss a meeting or something?

People keep calling these animals "anarchists" and that just gets under my skin. People calling THEMSELVES "anarchists" makes me absolutely insane! Anarchy is society without rule, without compulsory leadership/government. It does not mean "smash things and act like an animal". That is not anarchy, kids.

The people smashing up stores and civilian cars may well have just been people that got too angry to control themselves. Ok, I can buy that, but it doesn't excuse it. In a community we have to look out for each other. We need to protect those who can't protect themselves, not smash up their shit.

What were you thinking?!?!

Anarchist = Anarchist
Punk who likes to break things and act like a shit head = Punk who likes to break things and act like a shit head.

Let's not muddy the waters.

A protest needed to happen. Cop cars needed to be lit on fire. Cops needed bricks and Molotov cocktails thrown at them. The cops needed to lay into the crowd and put people in the hospital and kill them. That's the way it works. An anarchist protest doesn't have to end this way, they can be peaceful all day long, but this is the other end of the protest spectrum. In order to show the brutality of the police we have to get them to smash in our heads on camera. It's the way Martin Luther King did it.

So, throw rocks at windows, just make sure they're govt windows, police station windows, cop car windows. Light fires, just make sure they are outside govt buildings etc etc. Anger is natural, revolt is inevitable, let's just not forget what we want to happen once the smoke clears. We can't attain freedom from fear and harmony if we attack each other. We destroy the thing we want to gain before we ever have a chance to make a change.

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