Thursday, March 26, 2009

Anarchy and Religion

I was thinking on the many reasons that humanity cannot exist in a state of anarchy. That is, a society that functions in the absence of compulsory government/rule. The reasons are deep seated and vast. Some of it, I regret, is probably hard wired and is a function of our biological evolution. Most aspects though are just thousands of years of social training; beginning with religion.

The three boss monotheisms (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) are built on servitude. The core beliefs insist upon the unwashed masses bowing their heads and paying respect to their imaginary friends. It's not just a polite suggestion either, it is mandate. Christianity says you'll burn in eternal torture if you don't (because he's such a loving and caring guy), and Judaism and Islam say your fellows have to cut off your head if you don't. Either way, do it or die.
This mentality is the exact opposite of anarchy. One insists on compulsory obedience while the other insists on its absence. Religion will always be the enemy of anarchy, the enemy of freedom. The development of the state is born of and empowered by this divine permission to oppress others. While religion exists people cannot be free. While religion is respected by the masses as anything but utter lunacy there will always be a master carrying a bloody whip standing over us.

Before we can even begin discussing topics like equality and fairness we must bite the bullet and call mysticism and religion what it is... dangerous nonsense. While we hold the philosophies of the monotheisms (slavery, war, divine murder) we have no chance of being enlightened. While we pretend that the horrific barbarism written in these texts is just "out of context" we will continue to play the game.

Wake up you stupid fuckers. It's made up and while you continue to follow mystic idiocy like a zombie... you are the problem. You continue to empower the insane, to validate the core of their beliefs. Reject idiocy!

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